~~NOTOC~~ ====== Metascheduling and Efficient Application Execution ====== The following actions are being developed within the ongoing research activity about metascheduling and efficient application execution: * Efficient execution of workflows. * Efficent execution of divisible workloads. * Advance meta-reservation functionality. [[http://www.gridway.org/ | GridWay]] will provide metascheduling of reservations in the Grid by "managing the reservation managers". For more information please check out the documents available in the [[http://bugzilla.globus.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=4821 | "Support Advance Meta-reservation" GridWay roadmap]]. * State-of-the-art scheduling policies. [[http://www.gridway.org/ | GridWay]] scheduler policy comprises job prioritization policies (fixed priority, share, deadline and waiting-time) and resource prioritization policies(fixed priority, usage, failure and rank). This new functionality means the incorporation of state-of-the-art scheduling policies in the GridWay system. GridWay is the first metascheduler offering these policies. Current working Grid schedulers are only based on match-making, For more information please check out the documents available in the [[http://bugzilla.globus.org/globus/show_bug.cgi?id=4485 | "Develop new schedulers" GridWay roadmap]].