~~NOTOC~~ ====== Ignacio Martín Llorente - Teaching ====== [[http://blog.cloudplan.org|{{ people:rss-icon.gif|}}]] [[http://www.linkedin.com/in/llorente|{{ people:linkedin.png|}}]] [[http://twitter.com/#!/imllorente|{{ people:twitter.png|}}]] [[people:llorente | Home ]] | [[people:llorente:research | Research]] | [[people:llorente:keynotes | Invited Talks & Keynotes]] | [[people:llorente:blog | Blogs & Opinions]] | [[people:llorente:teaching | Teaching]] | [[people:llorente:spanish | Español]] ===== Universidad Complutense de Madrid ===== As a Full Professor at [[http://www.ucm.es| Universidad Complutense de Madrid]]. \\ **Fall 2017 Courses** * [[https://www.ucm.es/imllorente/cloud-computing-and-big-data| Cloud Computing and Big Data]] * [[https://www.ucm.es/imllorente/introduction-to-computers| Introduction to Computers]] \\ **Teaching and Course Development Experience** I have developed 14 courses, and taught 67 undergraduate and graduate courses in the following areas: * Distributed Computing, Cloud Computing and Big Data * Computational Science and High Performance Computing * Computer Architectures and Programming * Operating Systems and Systems Security