Publications supported by the TIC2002-12422-E project

Academic Journals

  1. R.S. Montero, E. Huedo, I.M. Llorente. Benchmarking of high throughput computing applications on Grids. Parallel Computing, 32(4):267-279, 2006. details doi
  2. J.L. Vazquez-Poletti, E. Huedo, R.S. Montero, I.M. Llorente. Coordinated Harnessing of the IRISGrid and EGEE Testbeds with GridWay. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 66(5):763-771, 2006. details doi
  3. E. Huedo, A. Lepinette, R.S. Montero, I.M. Llorente, L. Vazquez. Development and execution of an impact cratering application on a computational Grid. Scientific Programming, 13(1):19-30, 2005. details doi

International Conferences

  1. J. Herrera, E. Huedo, R.S. Montero, I.M. Llorente. Loosely-coupled loop scheduling in computational grids. In 20th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2006), 2006. details doi
  2. J.L. Vazquez-Poletti, E. Huedo, R.S. Montero, I.M. Llorente. Execution of a Bioinformatics Application in a Joint IRISGrid/EGEE Testbed. In 6th International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM 2005), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3911, Pages 831-838, 2006. details doi
  3. E. Huedo, R.S. Montero, I.M. Llorente. An Evaluation Methodology for Computational Grids. In 2005 International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2005), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Volume 3726, Pages 409-504, 2005. details doi
  4. J. Herrera, E. Huedo, R.S. Montero, I.M. Llorente. Embarrassingly Distributed and Master-Worker Paradigms on the Grid. In International Workshop of Scientific Applications of Grid Computing (SAG 2004), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3458, Pages 108-119, 2004. details doi
  5. E. Huedo, A. Lepinette, R.S. Montero, I.M. Llorente, L. Vazquez. Simulation of Mars Impact Cratering on a Grid Environment. In GADA 2004. OnTheMove Confederated International Conferences (OTM 2004), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3292, Pages 50-58, 2004. details doi

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