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I received my M.E. in Computer Science (2004) from Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (UPCo) and my Ph.D. in Computer Architecture (“Doctor Europeus”, 2008) from Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM).
I am (and have been) directly involved in EU funded projects, as well as many Spanish national initiatives.
From 2005 to 2009 my research focused in application porting onto Grid Computing infrastructures. These applications pertained to a wide range of areas, from Fusion Physics to Bioinformatics. During this period I achieved the abilities needed for profiling applications and making them benefit of distributed computing infrastructures. Additionally, I shared these abilities in many training events organized within the EGEE Project and similar initiatives.
Since 2010 my research interests lie in different aspects of Cloud Computing, but always having real life applications in mind, specially those pertaining to the High Performance Computing domain.
Associate Professor / Profesor Titular de Universidad
Distributed Systems Architecture Group
Departamento de Arquitectura de Computadores y Automática
Facultad de Informática, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Head of the Open Source Software and Open Technologies Office
EYE - Economy bY spacE | 2021-2025 | Gr. Agree. 101007638 | |
EDGEDATA - Una infraestructura para sistemas híbridos altamente descentralizados | 2019-2022 | S2018/TCS-4499 | |
IN-TIME - In-Situ Instrument for Mars and Earth Dating Applications | 2018-2023 | Gr. Agree. 823934 | |
EDGECLOUD - Infraestructuras Cloud Desagregadas para Edge Computing | 2019-2022 | RTI2018-096465-B-I00 | |
FedCloudNet - Federación de Redes en Infraestructuras Cloud | 2016-2018 | TIN2015-65469-P | |
ServiceCloud - Provisión y Despliegue Automático de Servicios en Cloud Computing | 2013-2015 | TIN2012-31518 | |
4CaaSt - Building the PaaS Cloud of the Future | 2010-2013 | Gr. Agree. 258862 | |
MEDIANET - Integración de Servicios Multimedia de Siguiente Generación en la Internet del Futuro | 2010-2013 | S2009/TIC-1468 | |
HPCcloud - Distributed Virtual Infrastructures to Provision Resources | 2010-2012 | TIN2009-07146 | |
NUBA - Normalized Usage of Business-oriented Architectures | 2009-2011 | TSI-020301-2009-30 | |
RESERVOIR - Resources and Services Virtualization without Barriers | 2008-2011 | Gr. Agree. 215605 | |
EGEE-III - Enabling Grids for E-sciencE | 2008-2010 | Gr. Agree. 222667 | |
Red E-Ciencia en España | 2007-2009 | CAC-2007-52 | |
BioGridNet - Evolución de las Aplicaciones Bioinformáticas sobre Servicios de Red y Computación Distribuida Grid | 2006-2009 | S-0505/TIC/000101 | |
EGEE-II - Enabling Grids for E-sciencE | 2006-2008 | IST-2005-031688 | |
Red Temática para la Coordinacion de Actividades Middleware en Grids II | 2005-2006 | TIN2005-25849-E | |
GridWay - Un Entorno para la Ejecución Auto-Adaptativa de Aplicaciones en Grids Computacionales y de Datos | 2004-2006 | TIC2003-01321 | |
Red Temática para la Coordinacion de Actividades Middleware en Grids I | 2003-2004 | TIC2002-12422-E |
Editorial Board member of International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing. This journal aims to facilitate and support research related to grid and distributed computing technology and its applications. IJGDC provides a chance for academic and industry professionals to discuss recent progress in the area of grid and distributed computing technology.
Editorial Board member of International Journal of Computing. A goal of this journal is to publish papers with the novel results in Computing Science and Computer Engineering and Information Technologies and Software Engineering and Information Systems within the Journal topics.
Editorial Board member of International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing (IJGUC). This journal addresses grid and utility computing which represent fundamental paradigms for next-generation parallel and distributed computing systems, enabling distant collaboration, resource discovery/sharing, data-intensive applicative infrastructures and high-throughput environments to address on-demand large-scale scientific, engineering, and business problems. Grid and utility computing have significantly contributed to the advancement of cloud computing, e-science, high performance computing, virtual organisations and collaboration, scientific workflows, and service-oriented architectures. They exploit synergies with different areas such as peer-to-peer computing, semantic web, wireless/mobile technologies, and computational intelligence.
Special Issue Editor at Computer Physics Communications (CPC) (you can read the editorial here), which focuses on novel mathematical modeling, parallel algorithms, high performance computing tools and experiences in large-scale material simulation and supercomputers. Topics covered are: use of hardware accelerators (MIC, GPUs and FPGA) and heterogeneous hardware in computational material science, numerical methods and parallel algorithms for the advanced modeling and simulation of materials, mathematical modeling and high performance computing tools in large-scale material simulation, Big data of materials science, and large-scale material modeling based on the new features of message passing programming model.
Editorial Board member of International Journal of Computer & Software Engineering, which is an international peer reviewed; open access journal devoted towards computer science and engineering. IJCSE publishes original articles, commentary, editorials, letters to the editor, review articles and case report describing original research in the fields of computer science & engineering.
Editorial Board member of Open Computer Sicence, which is an open access internationally refereed journal dedicated to publishing the latest advancements in the following fields: algorithms and complexity theory, artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, networking and security systems, programming languages, system and software engineering and theoretical foundations of computer science.
Editorial Board member of Parallel and Cloud Computing Research (PCCR), which is an internationally refereed journal dedicated to publishing the latest advancements in parallel and cloud computing research. The goal of this journal is to record the latest findings and promote further research in these areas. Scholars from all relevant academic fields are invited to submit high-quality manuscripts that describe the latest, state-of-the-art research results or innovations.
Special Issue Editor at Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience (SCPE) (see the publications section), which focuses on algorithm development, implementation and execution on parallel and distributed architectures, as well on application of parallel and distributed computing to the solution of real-life problems.
Radio Nacional de España
El País
Cadena COPE
Tribuna Complutense
La Razón
La Vanguardia
Revista CTXT
Cadena SER
Serious Science
Hoja de Router (ElDiario.es)
Onda Cero Sierra
Russia Beyond the Headlines (Spain/Latin America)
HPC in the Cloud
International Supercomputing Conference Blog
Estrategia Estatal de Innovación (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación)
Read my posts at DSA blog.