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José Luis Vázquez-Poletti

Short Bio

"Doctor Europeus"

I received my M.E. in Computer Science (2004) from Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (UPCo) and my Ph.D. in Computer Architecture (“Doctor Europeus”, 2008) from Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM).

I am (and have been) directly involved in EU funded projects, as well as many Spanish national initiatives.

From 2005 to 2009 my research focused in application porting onto Grid Computing infrastructures. These applications pertained to a wide range of areas, from Fusion Physics to Bioinformatics. During this period I achieved the abilities needed for profiling applications and making them benefit of distributed computing infrastructures. Additionally, I shared these abilities in many training events organized within the EGEE Project and similar initiatives.

Since 2010 my research interests lie in different aspects of Cloud Computing, but always having real life applications in mind, specially those pertaining to the High Performance Computing domain.


Projects (Present and Past)

Europe EYE - Economy bY spacE 2021-2025 Gr. Agree. 101007638
Comunidad de Madrid EDGEDATA - Una infraestructura para sistemas híbridos altamente descentralizados 2019-2022 S2018/TCS-4499
Europe IN-TIME - In-Situ Instrument for Mars and Earth Dating Applications 2018-2023 Gr. Agree. 823934
Spain EDGECLOUD - Infraestructuras Cloud Desagregadas para Edge Computing 2019-2022 RTI2018-096465-B-I00
Spain FedCloudNet - Federación de Redes en Infraestructuras Cloud 2016-2018 TIN2015-65469-P
Spain ServiceCloud - Provisión y Despliegue Automático de Servicios en Cloud Computing 2013-2015 TIN2012-31518
Europe 4CaaSt - Building the PaaS Cloud of the Future 2010-2013 Gr. Agree. 258862
Comunidad de Madrid MEDIANET - Integración de Servicios Multimedia de Siguiente Generación en la Internet del Futuro 2010-2013 S2009/TIC-1468
Spain HPCcloud - Distributed Virtual Infrastructures to Provision Resources 2010-2012 TIN2009-07146
Spain NUBA - Normalized Usage of Business-oriented Architectures 2009-2011 TSI-020301-2009-30
Europe RESERVOIR - Resources and Services Virtualization without Barriers 2008-2011 Gr. Agree. 215605
Europe EGEE-III - Enabling Grids for E-sciencE 2008-2010 Gr. Agree. 222667
Spain Red E-Ciencia en España 2007-2009 CAC-2007-52
Comunidad de Madrid BioGridNet - Evolución de las Aplicaciones Bioinformáticas sobre Servicios de Red y Computación Distribuida Grid 2006-2009 S-0505/TIC/000101
Europe EGEE-II - Enabling Grids for E-sciencE 2006-2008 IST-2005-031688
Spain Red Temática para la Coordinacion de Actividades Middleware en Grids II 2005-2006 TIN2005-25849-E
Spain GridWay - Un Entorno para la Ejecución Auto-Adaptativa de Aplicaciones en Grids Computacionales y de Datos 2004-2006 TIC2003-01321
Spain Red Temática para la Coordinacion de Actividades Middleware en Grids I 2003-2004 TIC2002-12422-E


International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing

Editorial Board member of International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing. This journal aims to facilitate and support research related to grid and distributed computing technology and its applications. IJGDC provides a chance for academic and industry professionals to discuss recent progress in the area of grid and distributed computing technology.

International Journal of Computing

Editorial Board member of International Journal of Computing. A goal of this journal is to publish papers with the novel results in Computing Science and Computer Engineering and Information Technologies and Software Engineering and Information Systems within the Journal topics.

International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing Editorial Board member of International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing (IJGUC). This journal addresses grid and utility computing which represent fundamental paradigms for next-generation parallel and distributed computing systems, enabling distant collaboration, resource discovery/sharing, data-intensive applicative infrastructures and high-throughput environments to address on-demand large-scale scientific, engineering, and business problems. Grid and utility computing have significantly contributed to the advancement of cloud computing, e-science, high performance computing, virtual organisations and collaboration, scientific workflows, and service-oriented architectures. They exploit synergies with different areas such as peer-to-peer computing, semantic web, wireless/mobile technologies, and computational intelligence.

CPC Special Issue Editor at Computer Physics Communications (CPC) (you can read the editorial here), which focuses on novel mathematical modeling, parallel algorithms, high performance computing tools and experiences in large-scale material simulation and supercomputers. Topics covered are: use of hardware accelerators (MIC, GPUs and FPGA) and heterogeneous hardware in computational material science, numerical methods and parallel algorithms for the advanced modeling and simulation of materials, mathematical modeling and high performance computing tools in large-scale material simulation, Big data of materials science, and large-scale material modeling based on the new features of message passing programming model.

International Journal of Computer & Software Engineering Editorial Board member of International Journal of Computer & Software Engineering, which is an international peer reviewed; open access journal devoted towards computer science and engineering. IJCSE publishes original articles, commentary, editorials, letters to the editor, review articles and case report describing original research in the fields of computer science & engineering.

Open Computer Science Editorial Board member of Open Computer Sicence, which is an open access internationally refereed journal dedicated to publishing the latest advancements in the following fields: algorithms and complexity theory, artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, networking and security systems, programming languages, system and software engineering and theoretical foundations of computer science.

PCCR Editorial Board member of Parallel and Cloud Computing Research (PCCR), which is an internationally refereed journal dedicated to publishing the latest advancements in parallel and cloud computing research. The goal of this journal is to record the latest findings and promote further research in these areas. Scholars from all relevant academic fields are invited to submit high-quality manuscripts that describe the latest, state-of-the-art research results or innovations.

SCPE Special Issue Editor at Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience (SCPE) (see the publications section), which focuses on algorithm development, implementation and execution on parallel and distributed architectures, as well on application of parallel and distributed computing to the solution of real-life problems.

In the Press

El País El País

  • ”¿Qué pasa con la ola de despidos en el sector tecnológico?”. September 15th 2023. Interview.
  • ”La revolución del PC cumple 40 años”. August 12th 2021. Interview.
  • ”Linux: 30 años del sistema operativo que rompió todos los secretos”. August 25th 2021. Interview.
  • ”La revolución del PC cumple 40 años”. August 12th 2021. Interview.
  • ”Cómo pueden atacar tus grupos de WhatsApp y cómo evitarlo”. January 19th 2021. Interview.
  • ”Así funciona y estos son los riesgos del videochat de Tinder”. July 10th 2020. Interview.
  • ”Un troyano que roba datos bancarios duplica sus ataques durante el confinamiento”. June 20th 2020. Interview.
  • ”El coronavirus abre la puerta del Chrome y el Windows 10 a los ‘hackers’”. March 26th 2020. Interview.

Cadena COPE Cadena COPE

  • “Informativo Mediodía”. May 12th 2022. Interview.
  • “Magazín”. February 23th 2022. Interview.
  • “'Hackers éticos', piratas informáticos que te protegen: un vecino de El Escorial organiza un torneo”. February 23th 2022. Interview.
  • “Mediodía COPE”. April 6th 2018. Interview.

Tribuna Complutense Tribuna Complutense

  • ”Sara Ignacio Cerrato, de Óptica, registra un revolucionario método de cifrado mediante ultracolor”. April 5th 2024. Interview.
  • ”Preparando CoreWar2022, la fiesta hacker de la Feria Aula”. February 9th 2022. Interview.
  • ”Los estudiantes del Programa Accede visitan la Facultad de Informática”. March 24th 2021. Interview.
  • ”SOL-BAM, un ejemplo de TFG con aplicación real”. October 15th 2020. Interview.
  • ”A hackear el Centro de Seguridad Nuclear, pero con ética”. June 3rd 2020. Interview.
  • ”Cien estudiantes y una misión: resolver los problemas informáticos de compañeros y profesores”. April 14th 2020. Interview.
  • ”La asignatura de videojuegos, un ejemplo de cómo se prepara la UCM para la docencia on line”. March 18th 2020. Interview.
  • ”¿Quieres aprender a usar el ordenador de a bordo de las misiones Apolo? En la UCM puedes hacerlo”. November 7th 2019. Interview.
  • ”Informática premia a Kurosh Javier Dabbagh, un ejemplo de hacker ético”. May 8th 2019. Story.
  • ”Agradecimiento a los estudiantes voluntarios, becarios, profesores y personal que participó en AULA”. April 10th 2019. Story.
  • ”Cuando el hacking se hace por motivos éticos”. September 26th 2017. Interview.
  • ”La gamificación llega a la universidad”. June 26th 2017. Interview.
  • ”#HackTheFDI, una yincana hacker en la Semana de la Informática”. February 15th 2017. Interview.
  • ”La gymkhana del Día de Internet ya tiene ganador”. June 3rd 2016. Interview.
  • ”Hackers con buenas intenciones”. February 2nd 2016. Interview.
  • ”Estudiantes de Informática representarán a la UCM en la final de Startup Programme”. June 19th 2015. Interview.
  • ”De cómo unir al pionero de la informática española con un juego de última generación”. May 8th 2015. Interview.
  • ”La informática y la sociedad, en imágenes”. December 12th 2013. Interview.
  • ”La computación en la nube se postula como herramienta contra la crisis”. January 30th 2013. Interview.
  • ”Alumnos de Informática apuestan por un futuro en la nube”. January 26th 2012. Interview also available in HTML version.
  • ”Una mañana en el museo”. June 10th 2011. Interview also available in HTML version.
  • ”Investigadores complutenses aplican la computación cloud a la exploración de Marte”. February 22nd 2011. Interview also available in HTML version.

Mercedes-Benz Mercedes-Benz

  • ”Tu vida en la nube”. August 31st 2020. Interview.

La Razón La Razón

  • ”Virus informáticos, la otra pandemia”. July 21st 2020. Interview.

La Vanguardia La Vanguardia

  • “Investigadores de la UCM diseñan un procesamiento más eficiente para los datos de misiones espaciales”. February 19th 2019. Interview.

Revista CTXT Revista CTXT

  • “Hackers éticos en la universidad”. February 6th 2019. Interview.

Cadena SER Cadena SER

  • ”Alumnos universitarios crean un grupo de hacking ético”. November 19th 2018. Interview.
  • ”Charlamos sobre la Universidad”. January 15th 2013. Interview.

Serious Science Serious Science

  • “Practical Applications of Cloud Computing”. November 30th 2016. Video lecture.
  • “Martian Сomputing Сlouds”. November 19th 2016. Video lecture.
  • “WTFact: Lunar rover wheel”. October 20th 2016. Featured Article.
  • “Cloud Computing”. October 18th 2016. Video lecture.

Sci·Fdi Sci·Fdi

  • “0b11001 (Entremeses de la FDI)”. November 9th 2016. Theatre script also available in HTML version.
  • “Cuando la ciencia ficción toma las aulas”. July 25th 2016. Article also available in HTML version.
  • “El Universo de Metro 2033 necesita tu contribución”. August 1st 2013. Article also available in HTML version.
  • “Chips de nuestros padres”. August 1st 2013. Short story also available in HTML version.
  • “Una novela de ciencia ficción escrita por el Dr. Espacio”. June 30th 2012. Article also available in HTML version.
  • “Reflexiones de un…”. December 26th 2011. Short story.

Radio Nacional de España Radio Nacional de España

Hoja de Router Hoja de Router (ElDiario.es)

  • ”El español que está desarrollando una 'nube' para que los rusos lleguen a Marte”. May 5th 2016. Interview.

Onda Cero Sierra) Onda Cero Sierra

  • ”Gente de la Sierra”. November 19th 2015. Interview.

Russia Beyond the Headlines (Spain/Latin America)

  • ”Misterios en torno a las misiones fallidas a Marte”. February 26th 2015. Article.

Russia Beyond the Headlines (Spain/Latin America)

  • ”ExoMars, cómo construir
 un puente hacia Marte”. December 18th 2014. Interview.
  • ”Norilsk, un campo de pruebas para la vida en Marte”. August 6th 2014. Article.
  • ”Un antivirus ruso con solera”. March 11th 2014. Article.
  • ”Camaradas cosmonautas de cuatro y más patas”. February 5th 2014. Article.
  • ”Serguéi Lébedev: el padre de la informática soviética”. November 20th 2013. Article.
  • ”El samovar: ingeniería rusa del siglo XVII al servicio del siglo XXI”. October 25th 2013. Article.
  • ”Un objeto soviético: las máquinas de agua con gas”. September 12th 2013. Article.
  • ”Metro: Last Light, vuelta al postapocalipsis moscovita en alta definición”. July 24th 2013. Article.
  • ”Físico en Moscú, arqueólogo en Siberia”. May 28th 2013. Article.
  • ”¿Un pájaro? ¿Un pez? ¡No, es un Beriev!”. May 22nd 2013. Article.
  • ”De “gus” a “gus” y tiro porque me toca”. April 16th 2013. Article.
  • ”¿Cómo era Moscú en el Siglo XXIII?”. March 4th 2013. Article.
  • ”El ordenador que renegó del código binario”. February 14th 2013. Article.
  • ”Pisando con garbo… en otros planetas” (Parte 2). January 29th 2013. Article.
  • ”Pisando con garbo… en otros planetas” (Parte 1). January 22nd 2013. Article.
  • ”Warface: millones de rusos no pueden estar equivocados”. November 25th 2012. Article.
  • ”¿Dónde te has sacado el carnet de cosmonauta?”. November 9th 2012. Article.
  • ”Cargueros Espaciales (Parte 2)”. October 29th 2012. Article.
  • ”Cargueros Espaciales (Parte 1)”. October 19th 2012. Article.
  • ”Rusos (y soviéticos) con superpoderes”. September 24th 2012. Article.
  • ”Donde no te lleve un Vityaz”. September 2nd 2012. Article.
  • ”Ayn Rand, Objetivismo, Atlas y BioShock”. July 31st 2012. Article.
  • ”El origen de las montañas más divertidas”. July 6th 2012. Article.
  • ”Antes de llegar al Espacio, la estratosfera”. June 9th 2012. Article.
  • ”De cuando el color inundó Rusia al píxel”. April 5th 2012. Article.
  • ”El pasado de las armas láser del futuro”. March 1st 2012. Article.
  • ”De Moscú al Cielo y más allá”. February 24th 2012. Article.
  • ”Dendy: 8 bits para los niños rusos de los ‘90”. January 23rd 2012. Article.
  • ”El 'Libro Gordo de Petete' ruso”. January 10th 2012. Article.
  • ”Un arte marcial con denominación de origen”. November 21st 2011. Article.
  • ”Nubes Computacionales para Marte”. November 14th 2011. Article.
  • ”Videojuegos: impulsores de la Cultura y el Turismo (II)”. September 28th 2011. Article.
  • ”Videojuegos: impulsores de la Cultura y el Turismo (I)”. September 6th 2011. Article.
  • ”Los Unos y Ceros de Gagarin”. August 5th 2011. Article.

HPCwire HPCwire

  • “HPC2014: From Clouds and Big Data to Exascale and Beyond”. July 14th 2014. Featured Article.
  • “IEEE Cluster Conference Heads for Madrid”. January 8th 2014. Featured Article.
  • “Cloud Bolsters HPC/HTC Student Research”. December 9th 2013. Featured Article.

HPC in the Cloud HPC in the Cloud

  • “Bringing HPC in the Cloud Tutorials to Argentina”. July 28th 2013. Featured Article.
  • “Student Projects Highlight Cloud's Potential”. January 4th 2013. Featured Article.
  • “Cloud Lends Power to Next Generation Martian Missions”. October 29th 2012. Featured Article.
  • “Madrid Workshop Explores the Business Case for Clouds”. July 16th 2012. Featured Article.
  • “Highlights from HPC 2012: Twenty Years of HPC at Cetraro”. July 2nd 2012. Featured Article.
  • “Cloud Computing: It's Not Just for Rocket Scientists”. December 5th 2011. Featured Article.
  • “Dutch HPC Cloud Running at Full Throttle”. October 19th 2011. Featured Article.
  • “Cloud Computing in the Land of the Dragon”. September 21st 2011. Blog post.
  • “Toward a Fault-Tolerant Cloud”. June 23rd 2011. Featured Article.
  • “European Cloud Projects Center Stage in Timisoara”. June 13th 2011. Featured Article.
  • “When Social Networks Become Social Clouds”. March 15th 2011. Blog post also referenced in Featured Article.
  • “Mars as a Service: Cloud Computing for the Red Planet Exploration Era”. February 3rd 2011. Featured Article.
  • “Notable European HPC Cloud Research Projects to Gather Steam in 2011”. January 6th 2011. Featured Article.

ISC International Supercomputing Conference Blog

  • “Optimizing Application Performance on the Cloud by Simulation”. February 16th 2012. Blog post.

Datanami Datanami

  • “Big Data in Space: Martian Computational Archeology”. January 16th 2012. Featured Article.
  • “Big Data Clouds Gather Over Old World Conference”. January 3rd 2012. News Article.

Estrategia Estatal de Innovación (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación) Estrategia Estatal de Innovación

  • “A vueltas con el Cloud Computing”. February 20th 2011. Blog entry.
  • “Innovación en servicio: Cloud Computing”. February 17th 2011. Blog entry.

Electronic Contact Information



Read my posts at DSA blog.

"Real World" Contact Information

Phone: (+34) 91 394 7600


INF-317 (3rd. Floor)

Departamento de Arquitectura de Computadores y Automática

Facultad de Informática

Universidad Complutense de Madrid

C/ Prof. José García Santesmases, 9

28040 Madrid (SPAIN)

View Jose Luis Vazquez-Poletti's profile on LinkedIn


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