
E. Huedo, R.S. Montero, I.M. Llorente. An Experimental Framework for Executing Applications in Dynamic Grid Environments. Report NASA/CR-2002-211960, ICASE 2002-43 Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering (ICASE), NASA Langley Research Center, 2002.


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The Grid opens up opportunities for resource-starved scientists and engineers to harness highly distributed computing resources. A number of Grid middleware projects are currently available to support the simultaneous exploitation of heterogeneous resources distributed in different administrative domains. However, efficient job submission and management continue being far from accessible to ordinary scientists and engineers due to the dynamic and complex nature of the Grid. This report describes a new Globus framework that allows an easier and more efficient execution of jobs in a submit and forget fashion. Adaptation to dynamic Grid conditions is achieved by supporting automatic application migration following performance degradation, better resource discovery, requirement change, owner decision or remote resource failure. The report also includes experimental results of the behavior of our framework on the TRGP testbed


[ Grid ] [ Gridway ] [ Tic2002-00334 ] [ Inta ]


Eduardo Huedo
Ruben S. Montero
Ignacio M. Llorente

BibTex Reference

   Author = {Huedo, E. and Montero, R.S. and Llorente, I.M.},
   Title = {An Experimental Framework for Executing Applications in Dynamic Grid Environments},
   Institution = {Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering (ICASE), NASA Langley Research Center},
   Year = {2002}