
I.M. Llorente, R.S. Montero. OpenNebula: Leading Innovation in Cloud Computing Management. ERCIM News, (83):14-15, 2010.


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OpenNebula is the result of many years of research and development in efficient and scalable management of virtual machines on large-scale distributed infrastructures. Its innovative features have been developed to address the requirements of business use cases from leading companies in the context of flagship European projects in cloud computing. OpenNebula is being used as an open platform for innovation in several international projects to research the challenges that arise in cloud management, and also as production-ready tool in both academia and industry to manage clouds


[ Cloud ] [ Tin2009-07146 ] [ Medianet ] [ Reservoir ]


Ignacio M. Llorente
Ruben S. Montero

BibTex Reference

   Author = {Llorente, I.M. and Montero, R.S.},
   Title = {OpenNebula: Leading Innovation in Cloud Computing Management},
   Journal = {ERCIM News},
   Number = {83},
   Pages = {14--15},
   Year = {2010}